$47.00 USD

(Only $127!) Add an Accelerator Private Coaching session if you're ready to make progress even faster! This is a 1:1 session devoted entirely to supporting you in developing deeper clarity and moving past any challenges with confidence. (Note: This is a one-time purchase.)

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Growing Gratitude Workshop

Are you ready for more energy in your days, more access to your passions and vitality, and stronger relationships?

You deserve a VIBRANT life (without feeling drained, resentful or longing for more).

I'm excited to share with you how GRATITUDE can deepen your overall fulfillment and contentment in life, when applied strategically and tactically. 


🌿On-demand access 60-minute Workshop facilitated by Julie Loomis, Certified High Performance Coach
Get ready for some game-changing strategies and coaching questions designed to help you leverage gratitude to elevate all areas of your life.

🌿Workshop Replay
Keep the breakthroughs flowing! Revisit the replay in your member's area, anytime, anywhere.

🌿BONUS: Moving Beyond Busyness Online Course
As a special bonus, you'll also receive my powerful online course designed to help you break the habit of being BUSY. I share how to step back from the clutter of everyday life that leaves so many of us feeling drained, unmotivated and away from our passions. This training is designed to help you make the pivotal adjustments to unlock greater levels of happiness.



  • The Science Behind Gratitude: I'll share with you the neuroscience and psychological impact of committing to a gratitude practice!
  • You'll learn the emotional, mental and physical impact of gratitude that leads to greater levels of contentment, energy and alignment over the long term.
  • How to unlock greater motivation and support in nurturing the aspects of life that BRING you to life (including your passions, creativity, relationships with loved ones, colleagues and audience, energy and so much more). 
  • Tactical and strategic action steps to take! I'll teach you the specific ways to approach a gratitude practice and start shifting your perspective right away (without getting overwhelmed!) 
  • Learn the mental and emotional benefits of gratitude: I'll share with you the important mental and emotional benefits that are born of committing to a consistent gratitude practice. Not only that, but you'll also learn how this transformation can directly support your energy levels, capacity to enjoy your days (regardless of circumstances!), gain greater satisfaction in reciprocally healthy relationships, and so much more. 

You will be guided every step of the way in this transformative workshop. You deserve to live into your authentic truth, and from your most enlivened sense of self. Begin the journey to deepening your happiness, relationships and impact in the world.

What People Are Saying:

"Julie has helped me to find the positive when it feels like there is none. Her honest, open way of communication helped me to open up, and look at things from a new perspective.

Jessica B.