How Practicing Gratitude Can Change Your Life


Are you ready for more energy in your days, more access to your passions and vitality, and stronger relationships? 


You deserve a VIBRANT life (without feeling drained, resentful or longing for more).

One major way there is GRATITUDE: a practice, a way of living, and a way of perceiving your past and present that has the power to unlock deeper connection, energy, purpose and LOVE for your entire existence.

And a major roadblock for us is that today’s world has favored busyness and productivity, making acts of gratitude something that we see as inconsequential, fluffy and unworthy of our time. 

Gratitude hasn't been important to us culturally, yet neuroscience and positive psychology is revealing that gratitude actually moves the needle in all areas of life in a BIG way.

Nodding your head 'yes'? 

Then this in-depth gratitude workshop is for you.


For the first time ever, I'm teaching you exactly how to create the life of your own design through the powerful portal of gratitude, so that you can elevate your relationships, career, passions and overall level of happiness.

Inside this workshop, you'll learn:


I'll share with you the neuroscience and psychological impact of committing to a gratitude practice! You'll learn the emotional, mental and physical impact of gratitude that leads to greater levels of contentment, energy and alignment over the long term. Understanding this side of gratitude practice can unlock greater motivation and support you in nurturing the aspects of life that BRING you to life. 


Are you ready to make a change in your habits and life, so that you can tap into greater levels of joy, fulfillment and depth? Without the tactical, strategic side of gratitude practice, the motivation to change just isn't enough. I'll teach you the specific ways to approach a gratitude practice and start shifting your perspective right away (without getting overwhelmed!) 



In this workshop, I'll share with you the important mental and emotional benefits that are born of committing to a consistent gratitude practice. Not only that, but you'll also learn how this transformation can directly support your energy levels, capacity to enjoy your days (regardless of circumstances!), gain greater satisfaction in reciprocally healthy relationships, and so much more. 

You'll walk away from this workshop completely clear on what a gratitude practice can do for your entire life, and exactly how to strategically integrate it into your life in the most aligned way for YOU and your flow.

Register for the Growing Gratitude Workshop

Investment: $97
Only $47!


✔️60-minute Workshop facilitated by Julie Loomis, Certified High Performance Coach

Get ready for some game-changing strategies and coaching questions designed to help you leverage gratitude to elevate all areas of your life.

✔️Workshop Replay

Keep the breakthroughs flowing! Revisit the replay in your member's area, anytime, anywhere.

✔️BONUS: Moving Beyond Busyness Online Course ($127 value)

As a special bonus, you'll also receive my powerful online course designed to help you break the habit of being BUSY. I share how to step back from the clutter of everyday life that leaves so many of us feeling drained, unmotivated and away from our passions. This training is designed to help you make the pivotal adjustments to unlock greater levels of happiness.

You ready to dive in?



Demi Radeva

I need someone to help put into words that which I cannot, someone to call me out on the “stories” I tell myself and the false beliefs I’ve built over time, and someone who can recommend practical ways through which I can learn and make positive change happen. In every session, she has helped me do just that! For anyone who is going through a tough time, feels stuck and doesn’t know where to begin – I recommend Julie. She will not only help you “see” what it is you need to work on, but also help you resolve and grow from it.

Erick Palacios

Working with Julie has changed the way I view my life and how I handle myself. Working with her, I was able to learn who I am, and what I love about myself. Also I learned to express emotions and to channel negative thoughts into faith that the universe will do its part. I was able to explore the perceptions and emotions that I had been hanging onto since childhood, and move past things in my adult life to become a better version of myself.


Jessica Bell

Julie has helped me to find the positive when it feels like there is none. Her honest, open way of communication helped me to open up, and look at things from a new perspective. She's not judgmental, she's understanding  and genuinely wants you to live your best life, being your best self. Every time I get off the phone with her, I feel better. I have a more positive outlook on things, and new tools to help me get to where I want to be. I always feel like I have a better sense of self after coaching with Julie. She has helped me work through a lot of things, and helped me shed what I didn't need to keep hanging on to. 

New around here?

Hey, I'm Julie Loomis

My clients and I have tapped into greater impact, ease, connection and energy, thanks to a strategic gratitude practice and investment in this tool. For so many people, this is an area of life that's buried beneath other priorities (and completely under-utilized).

Since 2008, I’ve been supporting clients in identifying and gaining clarity around what their truths are – desires, values, dreams, goals, priorities, direction – in support of increasing their courage, self-clarity and advocacy, energy, aligned purpose and joy in life.

I help people from all walks of life in creating a life of their own design and find more fulfillment and joy in each day. I help people develop a potent self-love system, which is a core ingredient for greater levels of joy, fulfillment and purpose in life (but that oftentimes get pushed to the wayside in service of other people's mission and needs). 

Douglas Zamora

Before I met Julie, my life was all over the place. I was busy from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed, and yet I accomplished nothing. She helped me regain my energy, see things with more clarity, and, most importantly, helped me get back on the path to success and following my purpose. Julie, you're the BEST!